
Melanie Mills, Headteacher, Albert Pye Primary School

“I feel you should know how impressed our school was with the site foreman, Carl Taylor. Throughout the project Carl worked seamlessly with school staff, he was courteous, professional and polite to all members of our staff team and did his utmost to ensure that the project continued to proceed smoothly, even when the children were back on site.

As a school, we have found in the past that it can present difficulties when a project has to proceed in a school setting with children present. Carl managed others who came to our site exceptionally well. There were one or two tricky situations, Carl immediately took the necessary action and I really appreciated the calm way in which he dealt with such situations. When problems arose he always found a solution, which was especially impressive.  He has gone the extra mile, always with a smile on his face and the determination that the project would be delivered on time. He is a credit to your company and I wanted you to know how impressed with him we are.”